Client libraries and samples

10Duke publishes and maintains a number of client libraries and sample applications on GitHub. They provide a simple and flexible way to access the 10Duke API functionality using your preferred language and framework.

All the client libraries and sample applications enable you to implement user authentication in your client application using OpenID Connect (OIDC) and get an access token for making authorized calls to the 10Duke APIs.

Some of the libraries and samples also enable you to implement license consumption and other features.


JavaFX client library for desktop applications, with a sample application. Provides authentication using OIDC (authorization code grant flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange, PKCE).


Several .NET client libraries, for example, for desktop and web applications. Most of the libraries provide authentication using OIDC (authorization code grant flow with or without PKCE), license consumption, and license release. With the ASP.NET libraries, use ASP.NET features to implement the authentication.

Client library for browser-based applications

A client library for browser-based applications that covers authentication using OIDC (authorization code grant flow with PKCE), license consumption and release, and single logout (SLO).


A sample client application that provides authentication using OIDC (authorization code grant flow with PKCE).


A sample client application that provides authentication using OIDC (authorization code grant flow with PKCE), license consumption and release, and single logout (SLO).


A sample application that provides authentication using OIDC (authorization code grant flow with PKCE) and license consumption.