Release notes

Learn about the 10Duke Enterprise LTS release 4 and any changes and fixes available for it.

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Release 4.0.0 LTS

Release date: October 25, 2023

This is the first 10Duke Enterprise release labeled LTS, which stands for Long Term Support. Releases labeled LTS will be supported and maintained with security updates and bug fixes over an extended period over regular releases. This release will be supported until October 2026.

10Duke Identity Management REST API v1.10.0


  • API definition migrated to OpenAPI 3.

10Duke Entitlement Management REST API v2.9.2


  • Documentation improvements in API reference.

Bug fixes:

  • Deleting an organization now correctly deletes also all the information on the license transactions related to the organization’s licenses.

  • When provisioning a new license, the id value for the transaction wasn’t stored if it was provided in the API request and instead a system id was generated.

  • In provisioning operations, the processed timestamp was not generated for a license transaction even if it was not provided in the API request.

10Duke Login Application


  • The version includes minor security improvements. We recommend updating to this version.

10Duke SysAdmin


  • In the user’s account details, the Active license leases tab has a new column that shows the name of the hardware that the lease applies to.


  • The version includes minor security improvements. We recommend updating to this version.

Bug fixes:

  • An organization’s “employees” user group is no longer automatically granted access to a new entitlement.

  • The Release seat feature for an organization license only released one seat reservation if the user had multiple ones.

  • An entitlement’s license list didn’t show allowed versions for a license with use count that had been granted using SysAdmin.

10Duke OrgAdmin

Bug fixes:

  • Minor fixes.

Other changes

Bug fixes:

  • Breaking: The 10Duke License Consumption API and Graph API operations now correctly return HTTP error 401 Unauthorized when the request is unauthorized, instead of a successful response 200.

    If needed, the earlier behavior can be restored by a configuration change in your 10Duke Enterprise deployment. Contact the 10Duke Integration Support team.